How Transformational Approach Shapes Great Leaders

When it comes to training and developing individuals in both professional and personal contexts, two major approaches stand out: the transactional approach and the transformational approach. These two training methodologies have distinct philosophies, goals, and methods, each bringing unique value to skill learning and development.

The transactional approach in training typically focuses on developing ‘know-how’ skills, i.e., practical, technical, or task-specific skills related to a particular area.

In contrast, developing ‘soft’ skills, such as effective communication, stress management, conflict resolution, leadership, empathy, critical thinking, and creativity, falls more under the transformational approach. This approach concentrates on developing intangible aspects of personality, exploring values, beliefs, and self-awareness, which helps improve how a person interacts with others, manages emotions, and tackles personal and professional challenges.

Therefore, when it comes to developing leaders to embody their roles inspiringly, the focus should be on improving their soft skills.

What Does the Transformational Approach Aim for?

In training, the main goal of the transformational approach is to create profound and lasting changes in the individual by transforming their beliefs, values, and worldview. It aims to inspire, motivate, and develop individual potential to achieve a higher level of consciousness and performance.

What is the Learner’s Role?

It encourages personal reflection, self-exploration, and self-awareness. Participants are urged to challenge their own beliefs and develop a deeper understanding of themselves.

What Does the Training Process Entail?

It may involve group exercises, discussions, personal development activities, leadership seminars, and other activities aimed at inspiring and motivating participants to transform personally and professionally.

How is Success Measured?

Success is usually measured in terms of personal growth, behavioral changes, increased engagement, and improved quality of life.

Are the Effects of the Transformational Approach Sustainable?

Transformational training is often seen as long-lasting and likely to be sustained in the long term, as it is rooted in profound changes within the individual.

Finally, the transformational approach can make all the difference between a leader who plays a role and one who embodies it. In the context of leadership, the former will simply execute the tasks and responsibilities associated with their position, while the latter, in addition to assuming their responsibilities, will also adopt the values, principles, and behaviors of an effective leader in an authentic and inspiring way. This is what makes them a great leader!

Are your leaders ready to embark on a transformational journey?

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Les Alchimistes Conseils
183, rue Saint-Charles Ouest
Suite 201
Longueuil (Québec) J4H 1C8

(514) 963-3247

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